About Visit Colorado Springs
Visit Colorado Springs is the premier marketing organization for Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region (El Paso, Teller and Fremont counties).
General Information
We increase awareness of the region and inspire travel by marketing to families, groups and organizations. We market through direct sales, the Internet, advertising and public relations.
Our partners include resorts, hotels, motels, B&Bs, campgrounds, RV parks, restaurants, nightclubs, attractions, recreational facilities, museums, performing arts centers, retail shops and galleries, events and a variety of service companies in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region. Partner benefits include listing and advertising opportunities in the Official Visitor Guide, distributing brochures in our Visitor Information Center, sales leads, referrals, sponsorship opportunities and marketing assistance. We contribute to the Colorado Springs community by supporting local events and online calendars that drive tourism, participating in co-op advertising opportunities and working with the City and County to support economic development.
The organization is funded through partnership fees, sponsorships, events and a portion of the Lodgers and Auto Rental Tax (LART), which is collected and administered by the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Visit Colorado Springs was incorporated in 1980 as a private non-profit corporation to promote Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region as a year-round visitor destination. The organization is governed by a board of directors and various committees. The Visitor Information Center (VIC) and administrative offices are home to a paid staff of 18, several part-time staff and the support of nearly 40 volunteers.

Vision Statement
Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region will be the leading U.S. destination for experiential travel, inspired by the majesty of Pikes Peak; iconic, accessible natural wonders; and the Olympic spirit.
Mission Statement
We create economic vitality through memorable visits to the wonders of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.