This National Historic District is a well-preserved mining town located 5 miles from Cripple Creek and 45 minutes from Colorado Springs. Step into the past as you explore mine structures from as early as 1890, with turn-of-the-century brick buildings, unique shops and restaurants.
Don't miss the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum, which houses artifacts from throughout Victor's rich history. In 1890 and 1891 prospectors discovered the rich gold ore that touched off the legendary Cripple Creek and Victor Gold Rush. With the discovery of gold, it became necessary to link the Cripple Creek and Victor Mining District to Colorado Springs and beyond. Railroads carried materials, food, coal and more to and from the districts.
Go on a Troll hunt! Take a hike out to meet Rita The Rock Planter, Colorado’s freshest troll sensation! After hiking past the historic American Eagle gold mining headframe and buildings, you will find Rita a proud member of the whimsical troll family crafted by Danish artist, Thomas Dambo, made from 100% recycled wood during a week-long community project.

Explore the City of Gold Mines by foot, by bike, or bring your own donkey! If you're planning a trip during the summer, you won't want to miss Victor Gold Rush Days. Held the third weekend of every July, this event celebrates the rich history of the town with a parade, mining games, a pancake breakfast, old-fashioned baseball and more. Gold Rush Days first started in 1895 as the "World Celebration" in celebration of the town's incorporation and honored Victor C. Adams, one of Victor's original settlers.
Whether you're a history buff, a hiking enthusiast or just looking to explore the Pikes Peak Region, Victor is the place for you. Enjoy gold panning, historic mine relics and more year round.